
Your Strategic Mind

Cast aside pretentious language, for at its core, strategy is a formidable tool of power. It is Mankind’s most powerful weapon of reason that sheds light and progress upon life’s most confusing challenges. Strategic thinking stirs within us a primal…

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Escaping Your Echo Chamber: Break Free for 10X Growth

Where information is abundant and “great advice” is rampant, many of us have become unwittingly ensnarled within Echo Chambers. This is a condition where your existing beliefs and world views are constantly echoed back to you, reinforcing your biases and…

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My 2nd Best Production Secret…

I have a confession… I’ve been using Virtual Assistants (VA) from the Phillippines for several years to triple my reach in marketing and streamline my results in business.  That’s my second-best production secret. (I’m not sure if I’m ready to…

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How to Plan a Successful 2024 Strategy

Want 2024 To Be Your Absolute Best Year? Start now. Not tomorrow. Not next week. Not January.It’ll be too late.  Start now by writing down your goals and objectives for 2024. Launch your aligned actions in December of 2023 so you can change…

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Triple Your Growth with Strategic Media Acquisitions

To lead from the front, your business must adopt innovative strategies to stay ahead. “Strategic Media Acquisitions” emerges as a key approach, driving growth by enhancing your brand visibility and customer attraction strategies. At its core, Strategic Media Acquisitions involve…

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What Is Acquisition Entrepreneurship?

Acquisition entrepreneurship refers to the process where an individual or group of entrepreneurs acquire an existing business rather than starting a new one from scratch. This approach can be appealing for several reasons: However, acquisition entrepreneurship also has its challenges,…

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Top 15 Free Tools for Startups in 2024

In 2023, I helped three companies generate over $50M in sales. Here are the top 15 free tools I’ll be using for my next new startups in 2024: If you’d like to partner with me, to help you grow from…

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The Expert Trap

In our hypervelocity world, the “Expert Trap” has emerged as a subtle yet formidable challenge. It’s a phenomenon where seasoned professionals become ensnared by their own expertise, leading to a reliance on tried-and-tested methods while developing a widening blind spot…

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What Is an Articulate Beast?

An Articulate Beast is that remarkable individual, a rarity who possesses the gift for precise and powerful expression.  He or she delves into the depths of issues and challenges with an exceptional clarity that eclipses that of their peers. They…

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Talent Acquisition Is a Top Board Member Function

Here is the link, but it is a lengthy article. A Deeper Dive Into Talent Management: The New Board Imperative ( I selected some key quotes from the article, proving that the Board’s involvement in talent acquisition is definitely a key…

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How To Leverage KPIs for 10X Improvement

When countless statistics and key performance indicators (KPIs) battle for your attention, the importance of “leverage” emerges as a key maxim.  Defining Leverage Leverage, in the context of KPI/stat analysis and business improvement, refers to the ability to greatly influence…

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The Internet Favors the Responsible

From Dan Koe: “The internet favors the responsible. The people who protect their minds from distractions. The people who act on the abundance of opportunities. The people who prioritize their education and skill acquisition. The Internet removes your dependence on…

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The 3 R’s of the 21st Century

In history, especially in relation to primary education, the “3 R’s” refer to: This phrase is a memory device aimed at emphasizing the foundational skills that are critical in early education. The unusual spelling with “R” for “writing” and “arithmetic”…

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DecaDynamics: The Ten Forces of Effective Messaging

In an age dominated by information and content-based marketing strategies, the power to communicate persuasively has never been more valuable. Here’s a mental model inspired by Dan Koe around ten foundational principles that can elevate your communication game, which I…

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Best Mental Models for Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Mental models are frameworks or ways of thinking that help us understand the world, make decisions, and solve problems. In the context of your digital marketing strategy, certain mental models can prove highly beneficial in strategizing and making effective decisions.…

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Your Content Idea Generation Rocket: ChatGPT

ChatGPT stands for Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer. It is a language model-based chatbot developed by OpenAI. It enables users to refine and steer a conversation towards a desired length, format, style, level of detail, and language. Successive prompts and replies,…

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Tactical Stress

Are you familiar with Parkinson’s Law?  “Work expands to fill the time available for its completion.” It was first articulated by C. Northcote Parkinson in a 1955 article for “The Economist.” Parkinson’s Law suggests that, no matter how much time…

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Creating A Talent Acquistion Strategy

Scaling your business involves a strategic and diligent approach to five key elements in regard to lead generation, lead nurturing, sales, fulfillment, and customer retention and ascension.  These five crucial components are like the lifeblood for the sustained and accelerated…

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Cyborg Plutocracy: The Marxist AI Mutation

“Cyborg plutocracy” is a term I coined. It is the Theoretical or speculative form of governance where the ruling class is primarily comprised of entities that are a synthesis of organic and artificial components, typically integrating advanced technology into their…

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How To Win Against the Marxist, Woke Agenda

Woke is another way of saying “Mutated Marxism”. There are three factors necessary for the woke agenda to thrive: All People Despise Manipulation Regardless of your background, political beliefs, everyone despises being the target of manipulation. People from all backgrounds…

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The 7–11–4 Marketing Rule for Getting More Customers

“Being seen burdens you with an image you have to maintain.” ― Taylor Adams The 7–11–4 Marketing Rule is a well-documented strategy endorsed by Google to escalate customer engagement and to convert prospects into loyal customers. Maintaining your brand’s presence is…

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My Favorite Word: “Grit”

Personal Quality As a personal quality, “grit” denotes a combination of perseverance, resilience, determination, and courage, particularly in the face of challenges or obstacles. People with grit are characterized by their ability to maintain effort and interest over prolonged periods…

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Why Book Readers Are Ideal Customers

Book readers, as a demographic, possess several attributes that can make them particularly attractive to professional businesses, not just authors who want to sell their books. Here are some reasons why: In conclusion, while every client demographic will have its…

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The Universal Power of Initiative

Initiative is your God-given ability to observe, assess, and then begin independently.  “Taking initiative is a form of self-empowerment.” – Stephen Covey It’s the very essence of a vision-driven life. It is your power and liberty to act or take…

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How To Create an Ethical Monopoly

An ethical monopoly occurs when a business becomes the leading, most sought-after brand in its market. A brand accomplishes such not through illegal or unfair tactics, but by genuinely offering superior value, products, or services that naturally attract and retain…

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Unveiling Alex Hormozi’s Outbound Sales Strategy

Who is Alex Hormozi? In the vast arena of entrepreneurial successes, few names have risen in success like Alex Hormozi. From spearheading Gym Launch to its multi-million-dollar sale, his journey in the sales world has been nothing short of inspiring.…

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Want More Wealthy Clients? Then Advertise To Them!

You Should Be Advertising to Accredited Investors! One demographic in America stands out for its significant financial influence: Accredited Investors. Here’s why they should be at the forefront of your advertising and marketing strategy. 1. A Concentrated Wealth Group: In…

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The Culture Code: How Talent, Finance, and Framework Shape Success

Ask any well-known business leader, culture has emerged as the centrifugal force guiding organizations. Culture embodies a shared ethos that fosters a harmonious environment, creates positive experiences, and ultimately catalyzes productive outcomes. Rooted deeply within this culture are three paramount…

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Board Member Responsibility for Talent Acquisition

“In today’s world, strategy is relatively easy to replicate, and capital is relatively easy to access. What gives you a real source of competitive advantage is your talent and culture.” – Mary Meaney In the age of digital transformation and…

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AI Tools for Small Businesses: Top 11

New AI tools are coming out so fast that trying to track them all—much less learn how to use each of them—will make your head spin. That makes it hard to choose the best AI tools for entrepreneurs.   And it…

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How To Use Triangulation To Solve Business Problems

Triangulation, in simple business terms, is like cross-checking and verifying important findings. Just as you might consult various suppliers before choosing one for your business or cross-reference financial reports to ensure accuracy, triangulation in research means using different tools, sources,…

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The Transforming Role of the Chief Marketing Officer

In the realm of modern business, a significant shift is underway towards fostering a more customer-centric approach. This shift is primarily championed through the lens of “Customer Experience.” At the forefront of steering this transformation stands the Chief Marketing Officers…

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Q: Who Is Ultimately Responsible for Your Marketing?

A: You are. But if your company generates above $3 million in annual gross revenue, you should have your own Chief Marketing Officer. A CMO’s key responsibilities and activities:  1. Strategic Clarity “Clarity precedes success.” – Robin Sharma Strategy is…

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Your Brand Is Not A Cookie

Cookie-cutter marketing is perfect if you sell cookies. Or if you just don’t care about creating massive results from your marketing and advertising efforts.  Another fan of cookie-cutter marketing is a small business (typically under $3M per year in gross…

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The Real “Why” For CEO’s Who 10X

In the ever-evolving world of business, CEOs who prioritize growth always focus on knowing and leveraging the finest tools and strategies to scale their enterprises. Their mantra isn’t about doing more, but rather achieving more with less effort. Let’s journey…

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Branding vs Marketing: The Important Difference

Branding The character or reputation of your business. It’s about your business’s identity, values, and the image you want to show to the world. Think of it as the face or personality of your business. Branding is your business’s DNA.…

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The “Big Idea” – Dominating Business Marketing

In this world of massive noise and “me too” brands, there’s one game-changing strategy you can’t afford to overlook: the “Big Idea.” It’s more than just a concept; it’s your ticket to market domination. As David Ogilvy, the legend himself,…

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The Essential Church vs Covid Oppression

The highly anticipated documentary, The Essential Church, made its debut in theaters across the country on 28 July 2023. I saw it today and recommend it highly! The film is a testament to the enduring human struggle for the freedom…

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“Hard Work” Defined: Post Industrial Revolution

“Hard Work”, in the context of a post-internet and AI world, refers to the process of producing high-value outputs through intelligent strategies and innovative systems. This definition not encompasses not merely the expenditure of physical, mental, or emotional energy, but…

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Know Any Maverick Sages?

I am part of a fast-growing medical device company, daring to revolutionize the healthcare and rehabilitation landscape. Our vision: Design and develop innovative Med Tech solutions that create a lasting impact on patients’ lives. We pride ourselves on our agility,…

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Why I Don’t Always “Trust The Science”

While science and technology have brought about a great deal of advancement and improvement for human society, there have also been horrific instances where these advancements have been used in ways that have caused great harm and detriment to mankind.…

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Knowing Your Superpower

Each of us brings unique gifts to our world – gifts like patience, enthusiasm, creativity and leadership. We call these your superpowers. They’re attributes that have been with you most of your life. The key to our success and happiness…

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The 10X Growth Fund: Convert A Budget Into Your Catalyst

Investing in your “10X Growth Fund” rather than a conventional “budget” is an innovative mindset pivot that can revolutionize your business growth strategy.  Instead of focusing on limiting costs, this shift in viewpoint emphasizes the reinvestment of your profits to…

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Fast Business Success with Fractional CMO

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, achieving success is crucial for organizations looking to stay ahead of the competition. One of the key drivers of business success is effective marketing, and having a strong Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) can make a…

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Why Startups and Fractional CMOs Are The Perfect Partners

The ever-evolving startup landscape has seen an emergence of a game-changing partnership that is revolutionizing growth trajectories. The symbiotic relationship between Startups and Fractional CMOs is empowering businesses to redefine their marketing strategies, boost visibility, and skyrocket their sales. Understanding…

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10 Benefits Of Hiring a Fractional CMO Right Now!

Discover the benefits of hiring a Fractional CMO for your business. Learn why business owners and CEOs are opting for Fractional CMO services to boost their visibility, growth, and sales. Introduction As a business owner or CEO, you might often…

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Content Creation Strategy for Social Media

In today’s digital age, social media has become a powerful platform for businesses to connect with their audience and build a strong online presence. However, creating compelling content that resonates with your target audience and drives engagement can be a…

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What Does Cash Flow Mean In Business?

Cash flow is a critical concept in business that refers to the total amount of money being transferred in and out of a business. Cash flow analysis is important for understanding a company’s liquidity, flexibility, and overall financial health. There…

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Brand Cancer: Diagnosis and Treatment

Brands that fail to foster a positive culture for their owners and teams, while lacking profitability and personal fulfillment, can be likened to having cancer. Financial struggles and lack of satisfaction eventually erode happiness and spiritual strength. And they consume…

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Barriers Are Internal, Opportunities External

“Barriers Are Internal, Opportunities External,” holds significant relevance for entrepreneurs and business owners. It emphasizes the neglected reality that the obstacles or limitations hindering progress and success in business often originate within oneself, while the prospects for growth and achievement…

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Unfair Advantages In Business: My Top 7

What Is An Unfair Advantage? Understanding the concept of an unfair advantage is essential for business owners and CEOs seeking to gain a competitive edge in today’s dynamic marketplace. In this article, I will define what an unfair advantage means…

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How To Make Money With A.I. in 2023

Just about every single media outlet, influencer, and YouTube channel has sounded the alarm on how AI is going to uproot everything in society, including how to make money with AI in 2023. There are three core components that you…

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